Don Don Music Game

Showing love and care to the elderly is the core value of this service. We designed and developed a music game as a tool of music therapy for elderly that allows us or the elderly family member to connect with them. Our product integrates cultures and childhood memories from the past into the present technology. With this connection, we hope to bring the two-generation together, sit down and have fun memorable family time.


The outcomes of this game are to promote both the motivation and reactivity of the elderly via the effects of sounds, lights and rhythm elements. The game will include different chinese songs ranging from pop songs to Chinese Opera songs, in which are appealing to different age groups of the elderly. The effects combining sound, light and rhythm help improve memory, release negative emotion as well as strengthen the brain.


The Drum

For the product aesthetic design, we created a mood board to show the mood and vibe of the final design. Minimalism is the design element we want to apply to our product. Minimalis it has a soft edge and clear character on the product, the elderly can clean the product easily and know how to use the product instantly with its simple design.


User Journey

Our team deliver the product to the elderly house then install and setup the drum together. After we start to play the game and talk to the elderly freely.