“Father, Make Me Laugh” is a delightful and chaotic family-friendly game, perfect for one to four players. In this whimsical world, you step into the shoes of a father tasked with keeping your baby from crying. The game blends a mix of activities like singing (using speech-to-text technology), finding objects, and engaging in various interactive tasks. Players wield their Switch Joy-Con to perform these entertaining actions, adding a layer of physical fun to the gameplay.
The game is set across various areas, each requiring players to explore and gather items to complete missions and tasks. Your ultimate goal? Fulfill a variety of whimsical demands from your demanding ‘baby boss’ – and do it all before the tears start flowing!
Hints for players: teamwork is key in this co-op adventure. Coordination and quick thinking will help you navigate through the game’s engaging challenges. Get ready for a crazy, fun experience filled with laughter and adorable moments!
- Game Development
- 3D Modeling
project achievement
- GGJ 2024 Best Party Game